Driving Adventures

My brand turned 16 this month which means, Kimchi can legally drive, lol. So I drew this little sketch of Junghee driving along. and it made me think of my own adventures relearning to drive. The second one is what I was feeling like when I started up again after 20 years of not doing it.

I live in a smallish town and so you really don't need a car. However, it was long overdue for me to start driving and actually get a car of my own and so I bought the one off my sis that she was selling. This was during the tail end of the pandemic lockdowns and since there weren't many people on the road still, I basically relearned how to drive by doing runs to my storage unit and small errands around town

I would get soooo nervous and had a death grip on the wheel. One day, I decided to go through the drive thru about 7 mins from my place. I was too chicken to merge lanes and so I missed my right turn and ended up driving 45 mins beyond town into the country before I found a place to turn around. LOL.

Now, I drive all over, even in places I swore I’d never drive when future me had a car - namely San Francisco and SoCal. It’s definitely been nice to have a car as it has allowed me to expand the amount of events I do. But every now and then, I still think about how I started out, scared to get behind the wheel!