Thank You!

I want to say a sincere thank you to everyone for their patience as I continue to recover from surgery.

Without going into a ton of details, this was a major procedure that needed to be done. I originally got the diagnosis back in February and it’s been something that I’ve been juggling with my full time job and running the business here. Surgery was in mid-July and went well. I did have to put the shop on hiatus for a bit and Kickstarter shipping is going slower than normal.

When I made the announcement about delays, I got many messages of encouragement and understanding and it really did mean a lot to me. I try to keep up on orders and emails as best I can, so even though this was necessary, it still irked me to have to make people wait. As I told my friends, I’m not a patient patient!

I’m slowly coming back to normal here. I spent the long weekend packing more Kickstarter orders and catching up on shop orders. Remember when you were a kid and living in a box fort seemed like the coolest thing ever? Well, it’s not so cool when you can’t see your tv and have to wind your way around them! Lol.

So here’s hoping I can clear out the box fort quickly and get all the plush to everyone who’s been waiting so patiently! Thank you again!!
